Lincoln County Chapter, Oregon Small Woodlands Association
will host their annual native tree seedling sale on Saturday February 24th, 2024
Time: Sale hours are 10am – 2pm or until supply runs out
Location: Table Mountain Forestry Shop, 247 NE Hwy 20, Toledo (South West side of hwy at stop light)
Native tree seedlings and some native shrub species will be available. This annual event is designed to provide the public with affordable native tree seedlings, promote natural resource conservation awareness, and to increase forest owners’ knowledge and abilities as stewards of their land.
Most seedlings will be $2.00.
Contact Joe Steere <>
Douglas fir, Noble Fir, Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Sitka Spruce, Shore Pine, Colorado Spruce (blue & limited) Coastal Redwood (limited), are the conifer available.
Big Leaf Maple, Idaho Blue-eyed Grass, Japanese Snowball, Kousa Dogwood (very limited), Red Osier Dogwood, Mock Orange(limited), Nootka Rose, Oregon Ash, Pacific Ninebark, Purple Smoketree, Nootka Rose, Trident Maple(very limited), Western Service Berry are the deciduous and forbs offered.
Larger orders 100 – 200+ of Douglas Fir, Noble Fir, Western Red Cedar and Western Hemlock, should be available, but may be limited.